Artist Support
Introducing our brand-new Artist Support offer...
Following the success of our online 'Filskit Tea and Chats' during lockdown, we are very excited to announce that we are now offering various forms of Artist Support.
Do you have the beginnings of an idea that you would like to chat about? Are you looking for funding or do you want to talk to someone about tour booking?
As experienced Directors, Producers and Grant Writers, Filskit's Katy and Sarah can offer a wide range of support in areas such as...
Arts Council Funding (including reviewing applications with a fresh pair of eyes)
Project Planning
Creative consultancy and Dramaturgy
Self Producing
Business Planning
If you are interested in finding out more about what we can offer please get in touch to book a free 20 minute chat....and don't forget to have your favourite hot beverage at the ready!
Contact us at mail@filskittheatre.com